The Moment: Return to First BASE
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Back Story
Andy Guest is a 'Type-T' . ​
Psychologically speaking, individuals of this ilk are stimulated by risk-taking, stimulation-seeking and thrill-seeking. Andy pretty much wrote the book on this. Indeed you can buy it on Amazon...
Andy has lived a true life of adventure, pushing himself, and the boundaries. Part of a band of maverick pioneers, he was an early advocate of BASE jumping, gaining world BASE #14, and notably, British BASE #1.
2021 is the year of the 40th anniversary of those first British BASE jumps.
Further to this, Andy was instrumental in adopting and promoting the 'slider down' packing approach that effectively made low-altitude jumping a more viable proposition. Indeed this could be said to have revolutionised the sport, as endorsed by Carl Boenish, considered the father of BASE jumping.
To celebrate this, and the progress that has been made since, Andy and Mountain Man BASE came together in the summer of 2021 for a special collaboration.

Beer Head is a spectacular white chalk cliff on the Jurassic Coast in Devon. Aside from it's stunning location and geological composition, it has a 280ft sheer drop. Which makes it especially alluring to the BASE jumping community! Indeed it holds a special attraction for this was where the first British Earth jump was performed 40 years ago. Andy and his compatriots identified this site in those pioneering days and made the leap of faith to establish the sport in the UK.

Andy returned to Beer Head to combine forces with MMB, to talk about the pioneering days as well as how far BASE has come in the meantime.
But mostly he came to attempt Beer Head once again. 39 years after his last jump there.
Last time he went static line. This time he decided to go free-fall...

A film was made to tell the story of Andy's pioneering activities in BASE, and to see Andy jump Beer Head once again.
The Moment: Return to First BASE gives insight into that special personality type that pushes the boundaries, whilst at the same time revealing even Type-Ts have to overcome their fears and wait for the right time to go over the edge!
Mountain Man BASE gives heartfelt thanks to Andy for paving the way, and for joining us back at Beer Head!
Don't forget to check out his book and read about a life of adventure that few will equal!

Film concept by Hans Donner
Direction, camera work, scripting and photography by Dave Gallagher
Archive photography courtesy of Andy Guest
BASE jumps orchestrated by Hans Donner, Dan Harker, Andy Guest